Build & deploy
geospatial applications
quick and easy.
Under active development ! Explore the alpha release at GitHub...
Build & deploy
geospatial applications
quick and easy.
Get started build your application now...
Greppo is an open-source python development framework that makes
it easy to build applications. It provides a toolkit for
data-scientists to quickly integrate data, algorithms,
visualizations and UI for interactivity.
Greppo provides a platform to prototype your applications
quickly and easily.
No front-end or back-end experience required.
Greppo takes care of that.
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Turn your scripts into applications easily...
Greppo provides an open-source python library to turn your
scripts into web-applications.
All in the environment you are most comfortable with 😀
$ pip install greppo
$ greppo serve â–’
import greppo as gpo
Ready to use components to make interactive applications...
Greppo provides a library of components to connect to
variables in the backend.
These components provide an API interface to your python script that can reference and make updates to the bound variables 😀
# Component for a number
number_data = app.number(
name="A number input component"
# Component for making a single selection
select_data =
name="A single select component",
options=["a", "b", "c"],
# Component for making multiple selection
multiselect_data = app.multiselect(
name="A multi-select component",
options=["Option A", "Option B", "Option C"],
default=["Option B"]
# Input component for making a drawing on a map and
# getting its shape geo-data-frame
draw_features = gpd.GeoDataFrame()
draw_data = app.draw_feature(
name="A draw feature component",
While you focus on your algorithms & models, greppo takes care of the rest.
Getting your MVP or prototype running in no time.
Connecting your data with your models & algorithms together with a user-interface.
All packaged neatly into an application with the front-end and back-end taken care off.